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Our Vision

Curriculum & Programs

P.S. 328 is committed to creating a high-achieving rigorous, supportive and inclusive educational environment where all community learners are able to Discover through exploration, Imagine new possibilities, Create through innovation, and Express themselves while striving for excellence throughout life.


Wit & Wisdom is a K–8 English Curriculum developed by teachers, for teachers in collaboration with the nonprofit organization Great Minds. Instead of addressing standards in isolation, Wit & Wisdom lessons integrate standards from multiple Common Core State Standards strands based on the demands of the text.


Eureka Math is a complete, PreK through 12 curriculum that carefully sequences the mathematical progressions into expertly crafted modules. Eureka Math provides educators with a comprehensive curriculum, in-depth professional development, books, and support materials.


PS. 328 opened its Greenhouse Classroom with NYSunWorks this year. Our children can cultivate their own food, cook, and learn about sustainability. Our hydroponics core curriculum teaches cutting-edge technologies and sustainable urban farming.


PS. 328 Dance Program
PS.328 dancing students learn, imagine, create, and explore their talents. Students learn dancing techniques, social skills, and self-confidence while exploring a variety of cultural dances. At school-wide performances, kids can show off.

Science of Reading Foundational Programs

Early Intervention Programs (MTSS)


Fundations® makes learning to read fun while laying the groundwork for life-long literacy. As a supplemental word study program that complements a core literacy program, students in grades K-3 receive a systematic program in critical foundational skills.


The Heggerty Phonemic Awareness Curriculum is utilized by teachers to instruct students in daily phonemic awareness lessons in 12 minutes or less.

HOWL Early Childhood Program

The Phyllis Wheatley School is committed to providing our early childhood students with a comprehensive education that supports them socially, emotionally, and intellectually in preparation for our advanced elementary school program.

In a typical classroom day, your toddler or preschooler will learn in many different ways, including but not limited to:

  • Short whole group and small group activities
  • Choice time where they are able to work with a variety of materials
  • Outdoor playtime
  • Rest and nap time
  • Meal and snack time

These experiences lay the foundation for your child’s future successes in school and life by building on the five key parts of a child’s development:

  1. Early social and emotional skills, such as sharing, solving social problems, and expressing and managing their feelings
  2. Learning skills such as problem solving, imaginative thinking, and persistence
  3. Pre-reading and writing skills, such as understanding that letters have meaning and can be combined to form words, and that reading and writing can be used to share information and ideas
  4. Early math skills, such as learning about numbers, shapes, sorting and patterns
    Physical strength and coordination skills, such as running and being able to use paint brushes and crayons
  5. Our promise is to deliver excellence in the classroom from early childhood to the day your child graduates Grade 5.

Our pipeline program is based on high expectations geared towards college and career readiness. We accept all zoned students and can accommodate families that are not zoned for our school based on availability.

Elementary School Program

The Phyllis Wheatley school is committed to providing our elementary students with a comprehensive education that supports them socially, emotionally, and intellectually in preparation for college, career, and beyond.

In a typical classroom day, your student will receive the following high quality instructional supports and exposure:

  • English language arts and literacy
  • Writer’s Workshop
  • Mathematical practices and problem solving
  • Scientific Practice-Technology and Hydroponics
  • Social Studies
  • Expressive Arts – Dance, Visual Arts, Music, Media Arts, Theater
  • Physical Education and Movement
  • Social Emotional Learning

These experiences lay the foundation for your child’s future successes in school and life by building on the 7 Habits for successful people:

  • Habit 1: Be Proactive® …
  • Habit 2: Begin With the End in Mind® …
  • Habit 3: Put First Things First® …
  • Habit 4: Think Win-Win® …
  • Habit 5: Seek First to Understand, Then to Be Understood® …
  • Habit 6: Synergize® …
  • Habit 7: Sharpen the Saw®

Technology Instructional Program

S.T.E.A.M is alive at The Phyllis Wheatley School. Our technology instructional program provides students with hands-on activities, tech design, coding and computer science challenges.

As early as 3K classes, students are gently introduced to S.T.E.A.M with cascading intensity to Grade 5. Students are provided with a robust foundation of 21st Century technology skills in preparation for College and Career. PS 328 is part of the Computer Science for All (CS4ALL) and Software Engineering for Elementary students (SepJr) communities.

Technology & software available students includes:

  • EV3 robotic kits
  • Dash and Dot robots
  • Sphero
  • Micro:bit
  • Kibo.
  • Scratch & Scratch Jr
  • Minecraft
  • Make code

PS. 328 Dance Program

Our PS.328 dance program allows students to discover, imagine, create and explore their talents. Students are exposed to a wide range of cultural dances while making connections to their lives, developing dance techniques,social skills and building confidence. Children are able to showcase their talents at several school-wide performances.

Hydroponics Instructional Program

Hydroponics is the future of urban farming! Hydroponics is a plant-growing technique in which crops are grown without any soil! PS. 328 has partnered with NYSunWorks to open our Greenhouse Classroom this school year. Our students have the opportunity to learn hands-on how to grow their own food and engage in lessons on cooking, nutrition, and environmental sustainability.

Our hydroponics core curriculum introduces students to cutting-edge technology and connects science and the environment through sustainable urban farming.

The curriculum has been designed to inspire students to ask questions, investigate systems, make predictions and design solutions.

The curriculum emphasizes the child’s perspective in the process of learning and promotes project based, critical thinking, and collaborative work. Understanding is achieved through discussion and collaboration as a result of the combination of practice and conceptual explanations.

P.S. 328 Special Education Department

Our special Education department includes services, programs, and specially designed instruction to meet the individual needs of a student with a disability. We believe in placing students in the least restrictive educational environment so that students’ needs are met while still receiving the benefits of the general education curriculum.

Your child’s IEP is created by our SBST team and centers you, as the guardian and your child. It will contain information about your child’s interests, strengths, needs, and goals. It is a map that lays out the special education instruction, supports, and services your child needs to make progress and succeed in school.

P.S. 328 English Language Learners Department

All English Language Learners receive English as a New Language (ENL). Your child will be taught to read, write, and speak in English with support in your child’s home language.

We currently have three teachers who are licensed to support English Language Learners through push in and pull out services. We are also in the process of establishing a bilingual program for the 2024-2025 school year.

The Leader in Me is FranklinCovey’s whole school transformation process. It teaches 21st century leadership and life skills to students and creates a culture of student empowerment based on the idea that every child can be a leader.

Content from The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People is a key component of the overall The Leader in Me process.The 7 Habits is a synthesis of universal, timeless principles of personal and interpersonal effectiveness, such as responsibility, vision, integrity, teamwork, collaboration and renewal, which are common to all people and cultures.

The Phyllis Wheatley School
Sports and Athletic Division

We provide physical education programming in alignment with the NY State Physical Education Standards. We believe focus on the development of knowledge, skills, and social emotional learning that enables students to transition to being healthy, physically literate adults. Our core P.E. values are Team building, Exercise, Athleticism, Movement, and Sports (T.E.A.M.S).


Physical Education Program

We offer physical education during our day program to all our classes in the gymnasium and outdoors (weather permitting). We provide instruction designed to develop motor skills, knowledge, experience and behaviors for physical activity, physical fitness and health. We also support students with the ability and confidence to be healthy and physically active for a lifetime. In class we work on teamwork, confidence, sportsmanship and safety. Some other programs incorporated in the Physical Education classes include the Fitnessgram, Shape America, Move to Improve and Achilles Kids.

Asphalt Green Recess Program

Asphalt Green is non-for-profit organization dedicated to increasing healthy lifestyles for New Yorkers. From Monday-Friday, 328 and an Asphalt Green coach will:

  • Create and improve routines to transition smoothly to and from recess
  • Identify and activate useable indoor and outdoor recess spaces
  • Teach students organized games and encourage them to take the lead in running them
  • Encourage all students to be active no matter their age or ability
  • Promote conflict resolution skills through play

Kan Cobra After School

Our after school program offers Martial Arts & Basketball. Children learn discipline and fair play from skilled instructors from 2:20-5:20 pm Monday-Tuesday.

Move to Improve

Elementary school teachers use Move-to-Improve to add physical activity into their classroom lessons. During a math lesson, students might do an aerobic activity to compare two numbers. During an English Language Arts lesson, they might practice yoga movements to identify certain words. Any kindergarten–grade five student can participate in Move-to-Improve activities, no matter what their physical ability. The Move-to-Improve activities build on what students learn in physical education and in their other subjects.

Fitness We Go

Fitness we go is a SEL embedded Fitness program that promotes team building and athleticism during all lunch recess periods. Children eat lunch and participate in organized play Monday-Friday.